Full circle??

9 Aug

Ok. So. It was maybe a year ago when S and I started this blog. We talked about it after I bumped into a fellow I had been crushing on for a while in the Bulk Food Aisle of the local grocer I frequent. We had laughed about how I’ve encountered lots of fellows (well ‘lots’ is arguable) in the bulk food section, you can see my first entry about it here.

We also decided we needed to document this phenomenon. This was the birth of “Love in the BFA.” We can thank that fellow, who my dear friend A refers to as my “Jordan Catalano for bringing the BFA into our lives.

Well. Recently I’ve been bumping into Catalano a lot. I’ve known him for years, but just on the periphery. I met him years ago through work and found him to be funny, smart, attractive and charming. I was usually in a relationship and let’s face it, I’m painfully shy when it comes to dating, much less courting, so it’s not like I’d just come out and say, “I think you’re cool, let’s go on a date.” But recently, I’ve been seeing him everywhere and have been doing my best to be flirtatious. A couple of weekends ago, I think it worked! We bumped into each other while out at a public event and I was in top form: talking incessantly, saying stupid things and, at one point, I snort-laughed. Yes, I did that. He didn’t just go along with it either, over look it and act like a loud pig noise did not just come out of my face, he called me out and asked, “Did you just snort?”. Yes I did dear Catalano, yes I did. I was trying very hard to pick up on his body language and noticed he was standing very close to me. Hmm. It was pretty crowded in there, but this was pretty close. We chatted for a while and then he said he had to join some of his friends who were leaving. When we went to say good-bye he reached his hand out for a handshake. Handshake? We don’t handshake, we are hug hello and good-byers. So I called him on it. “Are you shaking my hand?” I asked with a little attitude. I think he got a little flustered and said, “I don’t know, I don’t know.” He then gave me a hug, shook the hands of the people around me and left. Huh. I thought, “That might have been something.”

A little while later I received a text message from him referencing an earlier conversation and after some short banter, “Where are you now?” Whhaattt? I told him where I was and that he should join my friends and I. A little while later he was there. Gulp. Woah, I’ve got to play it cool!
By now you should know that I am not cool with the fellas. I’m not smooth at all. I fall on stuff, knock stuff over, accidentally punch them in the head… it’s a problem. So of course I start the conversation off right by talking about some growth on the top of my head. It was in relation to a story he was telling, so not totally out of left field, but then I suggest he touch it and we engage in a conversation about dermatologists and how he should just take an exacto to my scalp and get rid of the bump. Sexy. That’s how I roll people. Thankfully we move past that and have a conversation like normal-ish people. The night progresses and my group of friends decide to continue onto another destination. I was already not planning on staying out late and was enjoying my conversation with Catalano, so I decided not to continue on with them, but to stay where I was. Catalano and I continue our conversation a little while longer, he finishes his drink and then we leave. He walks me to my car. I offered to drive him home (he had walked) and as we are negotiating moving around things in my car to make room for him, and I start the incessant talking again, he moves in, moves in. It was like, “Oh, hey, your face is in my face.” So naturally we started kissing. Woo! Kissing on the street. People walking by. It was pretty fun. We kissed with each other for a while there, but started to generate a growing audience of construction workers in the parking garage behind us. That was weird. We agreed we should move on and he suggested we drive to this spot near his house where he walks to sometimes. He also mentioned that there would probably be lots of 16 year olds in their cars as well. A make-out point. Awesome. So we drive away from the clearly disappointed construction workers to a (there are several potential make-out points in this town) make-out point and, totally made out. And, it was super fun. It got late and he got tired, so I drove him home. We said good-night and that it was fun and we should do it again sometime.

The next night I got a message from him saying that he had a nice time the night before, wanted to make sure I got home ok and made a joke referencing the earlier conversation. It was charming and sweet and I appreciated it.

Since that night we’ve seen each other twice – once was for a brief sit and chat, the other was an evening stroll and sunset make-out. Like full on, blanket on the ground watching the sunset beneath the railroad tracks, super make-out. It was pretty hot I must say. Woo. He laughed about how the last couple places he’s taken me to have been teenager spots. I said that was just fine with me as I never did that stuff when I was a teenager so I was making up for lost time. We’ve been in random contact since and I think that is ok. I’m vowing to not over think this! Not to over analyze this! Not to have expectations. This is fun, and I need some fun! I also need some hot make-out sessions. Bring it on Universe.

In life and love and teen-age make outs,

One Response to “Full circle??”

  1. S. August 31, 2013 at 5:14 am #

    Jordan Catalano! I love it!!!

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